Saturday, September 26, 2009

My poor blog!!! I feel it is getting majorly neglected here lately!! I am enjoying facebook so much more. I don't feel like posting in two places.

School is going great!!! I love my class! I have a smaller class with not as much needy children. I am really enjoying my job. So far, this class has been alot of fun and for the most part easy. We are getting alot accomplished! My children know all their colors in spanish and most of the children can spell the color words. With having less kids you are able to get so much more accomplished.

This year it's not a drag to go to work. I love having my kids with me almost 24/7. They drive me crazy at times (especially at school with the clinginess). I love having Wesley with me most of the day! Last year was sooo hard on me! I hated leaving him; children need their mommies!! The first two weeks were a little difficult for him! He has to share his mommy with other children and he DID NOT like that. He is getting use to it and this week went a lot better. He is now okay if I leave the room or give another child some attention.

Michael is loving his "monkey" class. He is in with most of his buddies from last year. He is maturing and learning sooo much! He is going through a stage of pushing the limits one day; doesn't care how much trouble he gets himself into to the next day wanting to be a super pleaser.

Duane is doing great! He is staying pretty busy with Steve. He is also getting tons of phone calls for bids on jobs. Hopefully he'll get them!!!

October is going to be super busy!! I have cake orders coming out my ears. We are planning on going to see Ginny again and that same weekend Duane is going on a four-wheeling trip. LBA is having 25 homecoming Celebration on Michael's (real) birthday and we will be there the WHOLE Weekend for a lot of fun. We are auctioning off this: Duane made the table and my class painted it. We are the Toucan class. So, the footprints are suppose to be the toucan's body, the toes are the colorful feathers, and the beak is their two fingers put together. The flowers are made from their fingers. I thought it turned out really cute! I hope it brings BIG bucks!!!

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